How to Take Fun Holiday Photos

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching. Time for stuffing. You know its not called stuffing because it is in the turkey. No it is called that because it fill you up! But, I digress. The holidays are time for families. When families get together, people want to remember the day with photos. But how do you get good photos of the family.

First avoid overly bright or dark backgrounds. Next, for most people, let your camera do the work. Today’s cameras really know what they are doing. Now you just have to get a good expression on everybody’s face. Rather than saying cheese, ask your subjects to pretend they are on a roller coaster going down hill. Then say “Weeee!” All but the biggest sourpuss can’t help but smile when they say that.

Being Elves

As many of you may know, I’m a member of the National Association of Catering Executives. This allows me a chance to get to know the folks who run the banquet halls and hotel catering departments better. Recently, Trina, my Chicago Brides rep, convinced me to check out ISES, International Society of Event Specialists, another group of like NACE.

Earlier this evening I attended my first meeting. It was not your typical meeting. We met at the Union League Club of Chicago with the express purpose of making toys, that right, making toys! These toys will be given to disadvantaged households so they will have something under the tree come Christmas morning. It was an evening filled with lots of fun but a serious purpose. In the end, I wish I could see the faces of these children when they have something to open Christmas morning.

Last Chance

This weekend is your last chance to get your album completed if you want to have it in time for Christmas. I know that all album companies set a deadline by close of business today, but if the album is there by open of business Monday morning, they may still get it done.

Unfortunately, I cannot assure Christmas delivery on any album order placed after this weekend. While the album companies do try to complete as many orders as they can, there is no way of knowing how many extra orders they will be able to complete.

Halloween 2007

Halloween has arrived, we’ve trick or treated and been back home to eat the candy. The day was nice enough that we let Meghan go out and collect her candy. Michah still does not understand the day (great, now I can raid his candy). But Meghan and Mathew had a blast running around the block. Meghan and Mathew recycled their costumes from last year, a fairy princess and Thomas respectively. Meanwhile, Michah was a little lion!

Personal Photograph of the kids

Halloween Photo Tip

Halloween is just a few short days away. Can you believe it? I’m sure you have your favorite ghoul or princess that you just have to photograph. When taking your child’s photo, remember to come down to their level. If you photograph down on them, you will make them look even shorter than they really are. Furthermore, you may not get to see their faces. When you come down to your child’s level to photograph them, you are seeing them as they really are. You may also get rid of some annoying backgrounds. Finally, don’t worry about getting a smile. As long as your child is not crying, mom will still love the photo, even if they are not smiling!

Meghan’s Toncils

Well after a delay of three weeks, Meghan’s toncils have finally been removed. Meghan, Sheryl and I went to the hospital (mommy’s work), first thing this morning. By the time Sheryl and I finished breakfast in the cafeteria, the toncils were out. Meghan was back home and in her own bed by 2:00 and trying to run around by 3:30. It is going to be a long 3 weeks trying to keep her quiet.

Since yesterday was such a nice day and we don’t think Meghan will be able to go trick or treating, we took the kids to Groebert’s farm last night. As you can see all three of them had a lot of fun.

Personal Photograph of the kids
Michah in the pumkin bin

Personal Photograph
Mathew, where else? but on the train!

Personal Photograph of the kids
Meghan, a top the train.

Broken Tooth

Can you believe it? I broke a molar a couple of days ago. It was something I’d expect to happen to one of the kids, but it happened to me. It was so dumb. I was enjoying an Atomic Fireball. I haven’t had one of those in ages. We used to goto the camp store at camp Tousey (oh this brings back memories) and spend our day’s allowance on candy. One of my favorites was the Atomic Fireballs.

We used to sit around the cabin and see who could keep the fireball in their mouth the longest before it got too hot. The loser had to go on some dare. Camp was fun if the bugs didn’t get to you. Most people sprayed lots of Off! on every inch of bare skin to keep the bugs away. We didn’t know how good we had it.

Anyway, here I was years later enjoying the fireball when I bit into it with my back teeth. Suddenly, I felt a crack and a piece of something which should not have been there. It was a part of my molar. So off to the dentist I went. He was able to provide a temporary repair but I will need a crown for the tooth. I guess I just not as young as I used to be.

Rosemont Convention Center Train Show

Mathew and I just got back from a train and hobby show at the Rosemont convention center. It was a lot of fun for both of us. There were many different hobbies on display but Mathew was most interested in the trains. There were trains of all sizes to keep him interested.

Rosemont, Illinois Event Photo
As we were walking through the parking lot, I noticed this old DeSoto!

Event photo taken at the Rosemont Convetion Center
Just one of the many train layouts on display.

Rosemont, Illinois Event Photograph
Mathew riding on one of the trains.

Event photograph taken at the Rosemont Convetion Center
Learning how to control a digital train!

At the end of the day, I’m not sure who had more fun, Mathew or me. From the way he napped in the car from all of the excitement, I think it might have been him by a bit.

Nicole and Bart’s Wedding

I’m home early tonight and feeling just a little down. Today was a beautiful day. It was a beautiful wedding. Yet, it was the last wedding of the season for me. We could not have asked for a better day! The sun was shining, it was nearly 80 degrees with a nice breeze. Normally, I like to meet my clients and spend time getting to know them before I photograph the wedding. But today’s couple was the exception to the rule. Nicole and Bart put their wedding together in just a few short weeks. For you see Bart, received deployment orders.

Meanwhile, Nicole is a student teacher this semester. In fact, the night before the wedding, she had to grade papers for Monday. Can you imagine that! No time off to get married. I feel bad for these kids. Yet the day was filled with love. I could just see it on their faces through out the day. I hope I have the opportunity to be there in a year for the reception. Here are some photos of the day:

Chicago Church Photo on the wedding day.
Chicago Church Photo on the wedding day.
Nicole's bridal boquet from her wedding
Nicole and Bart's wedding portrait taken at next to the Chicago church