It has been a rather busy week and I got side tracked with a couple of other projects. So please forgive me for not getting a new post up sooner. On the personal front, the family is anxiously awaiting our new arrival. We have nowhere to put the baby but I don’t think that will stop him from coming when he pleases.
Meghan has spent all week at summer camp. I drop her off at 9:00 and pick her up at 3:15. She is having a lot of fun. One day when I picked her up, the kids were working on lanyards… When I went to camp, we called it boondoggle. I still have a box of the stuff hanging around the house. The kids, especially Meghan were surprised at all of the different stitches, knots and braids which I knew how to do. Somehow, I think I will be spending a morning at camp teaching them how to work the strands.
On Thursday, my new camera lens arrived. It lets me do some cool special effects. I can’t use it all the time but there are a couple of times during the wedding when it will provide a neat effect.
Yesterday I photographed Miriam and Paul’s wedding. Miriam had some absolutely stunning flowers. See for yourself:
Then there were a couple of times I was able to play with my new lens. See how much of the church is included in the photo!
Now I just need to practice with this lens a little more to see what else I can do with it.