First Job Offer Tendered

Everytime I attend a bridal show, it is the same old problem. Will Sheryl work the booth with me? Who else can I get to share the responsibilities of watching the booth and talking to prospective clients? Over the years, we’ve had some people who have helped out who were really good and other times they were not so good.

I kept thinking that it would be nice to find somebody who almost instinctively knew how to talk to prospective clients. Somebody who knows about open ended questions, proper body posture and the like. Basically somebody who knows the Disney Experience and share that excitement about wedding photography with a bride.

Over the years, I’ve lost touch with most of the castmembers I used to work with at the Oakbrook Disney Store. Furthermore, working with me at bridal shows is not a steady income but rather a way to provide a little extra cash around show season. A couple of weeks ago, I found this person but didn’t realize it. She is a former castmember. As I was driving to her house tonight to drop off a photo, I realized she was the answer to my problem.

When I arrived, my mind was made up, as part of the conversation, I tendered her a job offer. It should work out great with her other job. I’m not going to say any more until she decides if she accepts my offer. Either way, I’m excited to be expanding Magical Moments Photography by taking steps to add employees.