The Storm

The last several days have been absolutely crazy. Last Thursday around 3:15, right around the time Meghan was due home, I looked up and noticed it was pitch black out. I’ve never seen it that dark during the day before. The wind was howling and the rain was just coming down as if it was being poured out of a big bucket. I’ve never seen a storm this bad.

I ran upstairs, grabbed Michah, Baloo, a bottle of milk and threw them into our new bedroom closet. I thought it was the safest spot in the house. Then the terror began. Where was Meghan? Where was her bus. What was going on? I went from window to window and didn’t see a thing other than rain and more rain. I opened the garage door to see if the bus was coming no bus. The storm kept up. I had to shut the garage door to keep the water out. Then the power went out.

Eventually, the storm subsided. I looked out the front and there were trees down all over the place. I looked in back and saw one of our apple trees was uprooted. It was a mess everywhere. Still no Meghan. The phones were out. I called on my cel phone trying to get through to the school. Nothing. Finally a hour late, I saw a bus on the street behind us. I walked over and found Meghan. The bus was not able to get through due to all of the downed trees and power lines. But that was just the beginning of 3 days without power.

When Sheryl arrived home, she had Mathew who had been at daycare. I was not real worried about him as I knew they would move him to a sheltered location. We got everybody settled then started to clear the mess. I worked with some neighbors to cut the downed trees blocking the street. We also removed some of the dangerous widow makers so they would not fall on any of the kids.

Friday morning, I discovered our neighbors accross the street had power. So I bought 200 feet of cord to power our refrigerator and freezer. By Saturday morning the power was back. Fortunately, I did not have any events this weekend. Just a visit from my Dad, brother, Rick and my nephews, Benjamin and Nicholas. More about that later.