I spent the day at Starved Rock. Yes, I know that its Tuesday, not a typical day for a wedding. But I didn’t have a wedding today. It was one of my rare commercial shoots. This week, Starved Rock is hosting a teacher conference being hosted by the Golden Apple Foundation. The Golden Apple Foundation was formed to foster educator excellence in Illinois. They hired me to spend the day photographing two different workshops being taught to teachers at Starved Rock.
One group was Science Teachers and the other was Art Teachers. Talk about a right brain vs. left brain difference in the rooms. The Art room was total chaos while the science room was orderly. The scientists were quiet while the artists were boisterous. I could go on but you get the idea. All in all it was a fun to have a different type of event to photograph. To top it off, I did get a chance to see my friends, who work at Starved Rock.