Bride’s Guide to Wedding Photography

In the midst of all of the renovations going on about me, I’ve been busy working on a project to complete a new media piece to give away at bridal shows, provide to venues for thier clients and anybody who may ask. Rather than create more paper for somebody to lug around with them, I wanted to create something unique and provided value to you, my potential client. With that in mind, I was able to negotiate a usage license to distribute on disk an excerpt from “The Bride’s Guide to Wedding Photography” by Kathleen Hawkins. Since I was able to pick the chapter, I decided the most relevant portion of the book was Chapter 2, “The Selection”. In addition, the publisher was nice enough to provide a $5.00 discount to anybody who purchases the book via the disk!

It turned out getting the book rights was the easy part. Creating the disk took me several days. Every step of the way had a challenge or two which needed to be overcome. But finally the content was ready. But wait, the disk needed artwork. That took another day to create. The hardest part was finding just the right photo to put on the cover of the disk. Anyway, here it is:

To complicate matters, while I was working on the disk, work on the house came to a standstill. We thought we had a design that would work. We were wrong! After a nerve racking weekend, we met with Bill, our designer on Monday and ended up totally reconfiguring the design. The kitchen is out, my office is moving, my old office becomes the bathroom, closets are moved…. I can’t keep track of it all! Anyway we have a design we really like and think it will be a vast improvement! All of this means that in a week or two when the new office is finished, I get to move offices!