Professional Photographer’s Conference: Image Day 2

The weather around here continues to be rotten, even for Chicago standards. It is cold with a freezing rain. It has been this way ever since I got here on Saturday and shows no signs of relenting in the next day or so.

Today’s schedule of speakers was pretty weak. There were one or two which were interesting but nothing earth shattering. I’ve been walking the trade show floor looking for some new and exciting products to offer my clients. I think I’ve found a thing or two. You’ll just have to wait to see what I’ve found.

It is pretty late and I want to get an early start for the last day of the show. This is the day where I typically make my final purchase decisions and go from there. Also the last night of the show is known for its party to celebrate the next year’s show. Image 2008 will be in Tampa. Maybe we’ll have better weather there.