The kids had fun. Dad had fun. I walked from house to house and the kids ran. Meghan caught up with her friend Kaylie and they trick or treated together for a while. I talked with Kaylie’s mom, Tracy as we watched the kids go from house to house. Sometimes, we had to ring the door bell because the button was too high. Now that Halloween is over, I think we have enough candy to last until Christmas.
During the day, I played room dad for Meghan’s class. During the school costume parade, I setup the room for the party. I got there a little early and the teacher asked me to take a photo of the class. For once I didn’t have my camera with me. I thought it would be too much to bring the goodies, Michah (yes Michah attended his first party) and the camera into school. Of the three, the only item I could leave home was the camera.
After the parade, the kids came back into the room for the party. I team with Mrs. Weirs as room parents. She had some styrofoam pumpkins which the kids decorated with glitter. It was a big hit. Then we fed them all sorts of sugar ladden treats and then played a game. All too soon it was time to clean up and send the hyperactive kids home to their parents. It was a lot of fun.
What about Michah you ask? Well he slept in his car seat through the whole party! Anyway it is back to work.