Ever seen the “Whack-a-Mole” arcade game. The idea is to hit the little guy on the head before he runs back into his hole. As soon as you hit one of the moles, another one pops up from another hole. It seems like you are fighting a never ending battle. At least in that game, the time ends the game and you collect your coupons based on your score.
Unfortunately, real life is not quite like that. It seems that my work is like those pesky little moles. Each time I attack one of my piles of work, another one or two pops up and demands my immediate attention. Once again, despite my best planning, I’m getting backed up as we head into the holiday season. We’ve got just another 2-3 weeks before the album companies start applying the holiday deadlines. Meanwhile, I don’t sleep and I keep falling farther and farther behind. Oh those pesky moles!
As soon as I started getting caught up on my albums, I fell behind with proof books. Catch up on those and then I fall behind on my postings, phone calls and e-mails. Well you get the idea. I thought I would have a 3 week lull without any events to allow me to catch up. As luck would have it, over the last couple of weeks, I’ve had Strep (along with the rest of the household), a pyogenic granuloma which required a surgical consult and something I can’t pronounce let alone spell. Anyway here is the attempt, Epiditimitis which required had me in such pain, I needed to see a Dr. — Stat. As it was, I was in bed from Friday night until Sunday morning.
Although Friday night, I did attend Meghan’s Consecration ceremony. She is getting to be such the little lady. I’m not sure who’s smile was bigger, hers as she was getting consecrated or mine as I watched her with pride. Nana and Poppa drove in from Milwaukee to watch Meghan. Despite being told I should take it easy, there was no way I was going to miss my daughter’s Consecration. This is the reason, I’m a photographer. To be able to set my own hours to be with my kids when it is important to them.
The next day, the in-laws all met to celebrate Sheryl’s birthday. Happy birthday! I’m told they had fun. I slept through it at home.
So anyway, the next two weeks will be filled with whacking moles and trying to catch up before the moles take over.