Where does the time go. It seems like each day flys by and is over before I know it. Can it be nearly two weeks since I last updated the blog? I didn’t mean for it to be so long but Michah, Mathew and Meghan do take up a lot of the time. Everytime I turn around, one of the three demands my attention.
You would think there would be a repite once the kids go to sleep. Nooooo, that’s not the case. First there is getting the kids into bed. We try for 8:00 PM but most nights it is a little later. Meghan usually falls asleep pretty fast. Meanwhile once she is sleeping, Mathew, yells “I have a stinky” So time to change his diaper. Someday he will be potty trained but he is resisting all of our efforts. So finally Mathew is changed but now he needs to sample all of the beds and may even try to watch tv with Sheryl.
Somewhere during all of this Michah wakes up and demands to be fed, burped, and diapered. If we are lucky Mathew will drop off somewhere around 11:00. I’ve tried to get him to take shorter naps but he still manages to stay up late. Now that Mathew is asleep, Michah has settled, I get a couple of things done. But soon Michah is crying again. Only this time he wakes Meghan. Now I have to resettle her. Before I know it the night is over and it is time for me to drop off. There is still so much to get done and so little time. It is no wonder that my head drops around 5:00 PM for a 30 minute cat nap.
On another front, I have been informed by the Chicago Jewish News that they will be publishing 3 of my photos from a wedding I photographed earlier this month. It seems they are doing a story on the wedding because it was the first Jewish wedding at Starved Rock State Park in recent memory. So anyway, they will be using some of my photos to accompany the story.
I also heard from the Chicago Wedding Guide that they wanted to publish 5 of my photos. Rather than paying a stock agency for photos for their magazine, they contact photographers and ask for submissions. I submitted nearly 50 photos and they picked 5. I was also told that depending on the layout they may want to use some additional photos. So all in all it was quite a day.
Good to see you are back.