Today, Meghan, my 5 year-old daughter, and I were supposed to get the vegetable garden ready for planting. Unfortunately, it rained. When we bought this house 8 years ago, the previous owners had a real green thumb. Since then, I’ve managed to kill off much of the much of the gardens. It takes real talent to kill of wild raspberries! However, the grapevines on the side of the house and the apple trees continue to survive my best efforts.
Several years ago, I planted a corn patch. It was actually somewhat of a success. That is if after all the time and hard work we managed to eat 5 ears of corn. I was so looking forward to finishing the season with the pick of the harvest. There was one ear of corn which had grown bigger than any of the others. I could taste the sweet corn. But I decided to wait one more day before picking that ear.
All the next day, I was looking forward to my ear of corn. I could taste it. The corn was so sweet we didn’t need to add anything to them before eating it. Finally, it was time to start dinner. I started the water boiling. I opened the door to the backyard and started the walk to the garden.
As I rounded the corner, I saw a squirrel sitting on the fence eating an ear of corn. MY EAR OF CORN! I swear to you that squirrel started laughing at me or was it thanking me for growing such a nice dinner. Dejectedly, I found another ear or two of corn in the garden but, they just weren’t the same.
Anyway, in kindergarten, Meghan was learning about how plants grow from seeds. She’s planted a couple of small plants which have died in our window sill. So I’m not sure what made me agree to plant a vegetable garden this year. Maybe it is the mud patch where the garden goes. Or maybe it was the memory of the sweet corn. Somehow corn that you’ve grown yourself tastes the sweetest. Or maybe there are some lessons Meghan and Mathew will learn as we work our garden together. Hopefully Saturday will be nicer and we can start our garden preparations.